Friday, December 14, 2007

Iowa-- ice city

I was looking for a lot of pictures in China about Iowa, most of them show that this is a city with snow as its clothes. It has the terribly low temperatures during the winter with freezing rain and snow.
Those terrible things just happened these days, but I enjoyed those ice even it is easy to fall down. The ice covers everywhere, especially trees. They have the pretty clothes to decorate themselves. They are the most beautiful scenery in this city.
I love them, love the feeling they give me~so I took a lot of pictures with them and keep them in my mind. I hope to see this kind of scenery somedays after because they are melting now~ I want to keep them even the temperature should be pretty low, but I can bear that I'm sure :)
Yeah, hmm... I think ice is the most attractive thing in iowa~ My favourite~ ha~


I'm sorry I hand in this late.. I really don't know how to expain that even in Chinese^^But I searched some information about that online, they are useful.
A noun or some other forms modify another noun then restrict or illuminate it, the noun or the form can considered to be an appositive. Sometimes it can stress the tone of the sentence. It is hard to find the difference between appositive clause and attibutive clause in grammar. Such as the word "that", it has no exact meaning in appositive clause, it is used for linking and leading the clause. But in attibutive clause, "that" is an element of the clause and it can be omitted when it is the object of the clause. Now I can use some example to explain the appositive clauses.
1.Yesterday I met Tom, a friend of mine.
Here, "a friend of mine" is modifying "Tom" so that "a friend of mine" is the appositive of "Tom".
2.How can a solution be found to the current disease of contemporary society, namely the international economic crisis?
This is a non-restrictive appositive clause. Sometimes we will add something in the sentence so that it is clearer to show the non-restrictive character in the sentence.
These are all my understanding of appositive clause or appositive. :)
I hope I explained them well. :P

Sunday, December 2, 2007

My hometown

My hometown is a big city in China. The capital of Henan provice. It has a perfect transit system and it becomes better and better during these years.

In the past, my city Zhengzhou was not that famous. We did not have many high buildings and many cars. The only thing we have was our large population.

When I was a little kid, I would love to go to the park with my mom. Because of her work, my mom could only go there with me during the weekend. However, the park was crowded and it was hard for us to play some amusement facilities:(

I did not have a lot of memories for the past of Zhengzhou, I was seeing a process of Zhengzhou's development. It has more lights on the street, it has more buildings all around the city. It becomes more and more attractive these days.

There is a new area building now near in my city. There was a place that nobody paid attention to. But we choose it to be the new centre of our city, and it is building now. The east part of our city is the most well developed place, so we need the centre to move to the more eastern place. In the future, we will have a pretty good city centre which has fashionable buildings with lakes and my city will attract more people come, it will be more and more beautiful and our qualities of life are become higher and higher.

I hope when I graduate from my university in UI and go back to my city, I will see a different city with a well developed.

Sunday, November 4, 2007


At first,I wanna say, Niki, this topic is! How could you come up with this topic? Oh, my heart will stop working..
What should I write?
I never pay attention to the American talking~ Especially some slangs part, they are hard to understand, and sometimes they will laugh and I don't even know what are they talking about~
There was only once I remembered something interesting about slang. It was on cambus, I went home with my friend, when the bus stoped, there were two people coming, a black man and a woman. Since they sit down their beside us, they kept talking filling with"fucking"and "shit"and the speed was so fast. The situation at that time was so interesting, they let me know why most of the hiphop singers are blackman. Maybe they are born to be the hiphop stars.
I'm sorry, because I never paid attention to the slangs, I cannot give some other examples. If it is possible, I will add something in this article next week. Is that ok? :)

Saturday, October 27, 2007


As a girl, I love romantic love and expect a wedding with someone I love. Now, I will introduce the Chinese traditional wedding at first.
Chinese traditional wedding is paying much more attention on lucky and happy, the couples should wear red clothes, because red emphasizes lucky. On that day, the girl should get up so early and go somewhere to make up, then go back to her parents' home, then stay at her room until her groom goes her home and picks her up. When the groom goes the bride's home, the bride's relatives can ask him to give "red bag" which means the small red bag with some money inside. He can only being accept to pick the bride up after he gives the money. After that the bride's parents will prepare some food for the couple which has some special meaning, such as the couple of steam bread has the special shapes and tie them using red lines. (Which means the couples can tie each other the day after, they could rely on each other.)
As the western wedding pattern came to China many years ago, many couples choose to wear the dresses instead of red clothes and they will book some tables for lunch for the friends they invited. It seems like more informal, but wedding is a good chance to make some money~ Ha~
In my opinion, my wedding should be romantic, I don't like white dresses, maybe I will choose some colors just like pink or light purple~~And I love western wedding better~ I will be so proud of myself that time~ I think the feeling is just like.. I am a princess, the happiest one in the world~~Ha~~~Also, I may go back to China and having a Chinese wedding, it should be so exciting, I don't want to miss it!
By the way, Niki, you were so beautiful that day~~~~I sent one of your photo to my mom and she said you are beautiful and your husband is handsome~~~Conguratulations, again~~~

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Chinese Grammar(中文语法) vs. English Grammar

I should tell Alicia that this is a perfect comparison essay topic~ : )
English, Chinese, these two languages are quite different. Chinese has special writing style, it has no related to the English letters such as, A B C and D~ On the other hand, the grammar in Chinese, has many similarities with English, such as the sentence structures, like: S+ V+O; "I love you"= "我(I)爱(love)你(you)"Subject always comes first. However in our daily life, we will change the order of the sentence's element. Sometimes we will say some sentence put our subject in the back of the sentence, it's only used for speaking, it is not allow to write something with this structure. "干什么呢你(you)"="What are you doing?"In this case"you"should before "doing", but we put it back to the last one. For the words part, in English, we have to put "ed" after a verb if it is past, but in Chinese, there are some words which can show if it is past or present, there is no difference between the words and the structure you used. When you see those words, they emphasize the time the things happen, for the main sentence, it will never change even if its past, present or future.
Explain those things are quite difficult, I found that I made myself feel confused about Chinese.. I cannot give you enough Chinese examples because the words are different, you cannot recognise what did I write, I hope you can get those the explaination I gave you. Those points I mentioned are the biggest difference between Chinese and English.
In conclusion, Chinese has less standard on sentence structures and the changes for words. However, most people say that English is much easier than Chinese. Oh, maybe because that Chinese pronounciation and the large amount of words.
At last, I want to say, I will try my best on my English grammar, I can do it! Believe me, Niki~~~~ :P

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Interesting English

English is a kind of language which attracted me a lot. I learnt it buy my mom, she taught me some interesting words such as apple, banana, panda, etc. In this case, I love to learn this kind of strange language, the different pronounciation gives me a force to learn this language.
After elementry school, I found that English is not that easy, so my mom sent me to an English school which has a policy to avoid students speak Chinese if you stay here. It was an English improve class for every weekend, teachers there were come from Australia, America and Canada. We spoke English during our class, if there was someone who spoke Chinese, he/ she has to copy the words we learnt that day for 100 times. Since I have to accept this kind of situation, my speaking and listening improved a lot. These two parts became to be the most interesting parts in my mind.
When I was in middle school, the chance for me to speak was getting less and less, no one liked to accepted those parts but they all worked so hard on grammar. I felt a little bit disappointed, because all the students there were all good at tests, and I lose my confidence.
Even I still interested in the whole language, eapecially speaking, the teach style of the teachers in schools are quite boring. Those kind of pressure made me feel uncomfortable. That's why I chose an English spoken country to come. I could speak more, even know more about the western country. I was so exciting to come here, and found my confidence, again.

Friday, October 5, 2007


Big city, which has the bad traffic :( But it also has something attracted me, such as sears tower, shopping malls (I love shopping!!)
I remembered teachers told us that we should spoke English all day.. Actually..Ah..:P
When I spent all time with my Chinese friends, I forgot to speak English.. But, we were lost our direction that day, so Chingyu and I were so confident that we could ask people there for help easily..(I'm so proud of myself! Ha~~I have to make sure that my friends are not able to see this, otherwise.. they should be embarress me..)
Also, I bought a pair of shoes~ they are nice! Shopping always gave me a pretty good mood~(Except I have to eat less, because I have spent more money~terrible..)
What else? Since the photos we have taken were quite ugly, it seems like I have to keep them personally. Actually, I want to share those to you~(But not in this "public place:)")
I enjoyed the day I have, Chicago has the atmosphere of big city. The street was more crowd, people were not that friendly (just like Iowans~), the high buildings which can obtruct our eyesight, the expensive clothes that we can not afford.. Even it seems like a city which is not fit for people to live, but I love it~ I enjoyed everything in this city~I hope I can work in a big city in the USA someday~~~
P.S: Our journey ended with our complains since we were so tired~

Friday, September 28, 2007

Sing songs...?

I don't know what is my strength actually. I have so many skills but they are not my strength.. So.. I can only choose sing songs as my strong skill.
When I was a little girl, my mom sent me to learn piano, but I found many excuses in order to escape the class :P At last, my mom gave up..(That's why I have many skills, but they are not my strength.. terrible..)
When I grew up, I love to listen to the music, any kinds of music~ What is more, I love to sing, when I heard some songs that I loved very much. I began to take part in some competition in my school. What is more, sometimes I might sing a song for 1 month, and never changed it~(I made so many friends crazy~) Then, I might require my friends went to Karaoke with me , and I would dispossess the microphone.. What should they did, was listen to my singing carefully, and encouraged me~:)
This is the reason why I can improve my singing quickly, because I love practise it!
In the future, I will not consider singing as an occupation, actually there is not a good job for me to sing songs. (Maybe I can considered to be a famous star?Ha~~) but I will consider it to be a strength. I can be the one who sings for the class or the company even my country(If it is possible~). At least, when someone ask me, do you have any strength, I can answer them proudly, I can sing! This is the best way to find my confidence~! I can use this skill to color my life and make it colorful. This is priceless, don't you think so?
As I thought, sing is my precious skill in my life.

Friday, September 21, 2007

The essence of universe

Universe, totally is the existence filled of all the matters and energies. In this case, we can say that matter and energy are the essence of the universe.
Let's seperate the essence into two parts, matter and energy.
The matter in the universe is a subject to various of forces. Matters are exist in the universe, such as stars. When the matter trying to be active, they are making some forces. These are the energies in the universe. In these forces, the most effective and the biggest force is gravitation, which pulls all matters together to be a system. In addition, the reactions will be continuing until the star has consumed all its acailable nuclear fuel.
In the universe, there should be some systems, such as solar system. There is a theory was published that earth is the center of the universe. But after that, this theory was reversed by Coperinicus in 16th centry. He thought that sun should be the center of the universe, and this theory has been demonstrated. In this case, as universe is a whole system, we can consider that this is a system which surrounding the sun. It is a big system that we can not count how many matters in it.
Universe is a place that filled with mysterious. We are still on our way to know much more about it. As the technology developed so quickly, we have to believe, we will open the door which is an obstacle for us to discover the universe.
Human beings, go ahead !

Tuesday, September 11, 2007