Friday, September 28, 2007

Sing songs...?

I don't know what is my strength actually. I have so many skills but they are not my strength.. So.. I can only choose sing songs as my strong skill.
When I was a little girl, my mom sent me to learn piano, but I found many excuses in order to escape the class :P At last, my mom gave up..(That's why I have many skills, but they are not my strength.. terrible..)
When I grew up, I love to listen to the music, any kinds of music~ What is more, I love to sing, when I heard some songs that I loved very much. I began to take part in some competition in my school. What is more, sometimes I might sing a song for 1 month, and never changed it~(I made so many friends crazy~) Then, I might require my friends went to Karaoke with me , and I would dispossess the microphone.. What should they did, was listen to my singing carefully, and encouraged me~:)
This is the reason why I can improve my singing quickly, because I love practise it!
In the future, I will not consider singing as an occupation, actually there is not a good job for me to sing songs. (Maybe I can considered to be a famous star?Ha~~) but I will consider it to be a strength. I can be the one who sings for the class or the company even my country(If it is possible~). At least, when someone ask me, do you have any strength, I can answer them proudly, I can sing! This is the best way to find my confidence~! I can use this skill to color my life and make it colorful. This is priceless, don't you think so?
As I thought, sing is my precious skill in my life.

Friday, September 21, 2007

The essence of universe

Universe, totally is the existence filled of all the matters and energies. In this case, we can say that matter and energy are the essence of the universe.
Let's seperate the essence into two parts, matter and energy.
The matter in the universe is a subject to various of forces. Matters are exist in the universe, such as stars. When the matter trying to be active, they are making some forces. These are the energies in the universe. In these forces, the most effective and the biggest force is gravitation, which pulls all matters together to be a system. In addition, the reactions will be continuing until the star has consumed all its acailable nuclear fuel.
In the universe, there should be some systems, such as solar system. There is a theory was published that earth is the center of the universe. But after that, this theory was reversed by Coperinicus in 16th centry. He thought that sun should be the center of the universe, and this theory has been demonstrated. In this case, as universe is a whole system, we can consider that this is a system which surrounding the sun. It is a big system that we can not count how many matters in it.
Universe is a place that filled with mysterious. We are still on our way to know much more about it. As the technology developed so quickly, we have to believe, we will open the door which is an obstacle for us to discover the universe.
Human beings, go ahead !

Tuesday, September 11, 2007